Frequently Asked Questions
What do our lessons look like at Fit Futures:
What does a typical sport lesson look like at Fit Futures?
- Our qualified staff pick up the students from their classroom or designated area
- Our teacher introduces the lesson focus
- The children participate in an engaging warm up, focusing on the lesson aims
- The lesson outcomes are explained
- The children learn skills through activities and games
- The children participate in the consolidation activity that ties together all the lesson aims
- Our staff will review and reward the lesson and the students
- Our staff will take the students back to their classroom and teacher
What does an Athletics lesson look like?
- Our qualified staff pick up the students from their classroom or designated area
- Our teacher introduces the lesson focus
- The children participate in an engaging CARDIO DANCE warm up, focusing on the lesson aims
- The lesson outcomes are explained
- Our staff will teach the children the specified skill, and run through each step
- The children practice skills through activities and games
- The children participate in the consolidation activity that ties together all the lesson aims
- The children stretch, focus and cool down
- Our staff will review and reward the lesson and the students
- Our staff will take the students back to their classroom and teacher
What does a gymnastics lesson look like?
- Our qualified staff pick up the students from their classroom or designated area
- Our teacher introduces the lesson focus
- Our staff run through a different warm up each week
- Our staff provide the children with a detailed explanation of the multi-station gymnastics circuit
- The children will participate in high intensity learning or around 20 to 30 skills
- The children will learn skills through activities and practices in a competitive situation
- The children participate in the consolidation activity that ties together all the lesson aims, or participate in a relaxation activity
- Our staff will review and reward the lesson and the students
- Our staff will take the students back to their classroom and teacher
What does a dance lesson look like?
- Our qualified staff pick up the students from their classroom or designated area
- Our teacher introduces the lesson focus
- Our staff run through a different warm up each week
- Our qualified staff will teach the students about each focus area through each activity
- The students will learn new steps to a dance to music
- Our staff will review and reward the lesson and the students
- Our staff will take the students back to their classroom and teacher
The focus for each of our lessons is high student participation, high engagement rates, and stage-specific activities with opportunities to engage all pupils and support all students, no matter what level or ability they possess.